Sunday, January 17, 2010

2 Great Resources

I stumbled upon 2 wonderful online resources for spiritual growth today while researching the author (Shawn Wood) of the book I am reading ("200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One").  More on the book later... but Shawn Wood is a member of Seacoast Church and when he referenced his church in the book, it inspired me to look into it further.

When I visited Seacoast's website, I found a wealth of wisdom there and a very neat tool in their NEXT STEPS area, so I took their Spiritual Health Assessment and have identified a few areas in which I need improvement and would like to grow.  When you have identified a "purpose area" and a "LifeTopic" in which you want to grow, you can find recommended articles, books, podcasts, and action steps to help you in that goal.  I figure, why not? it's not too late to set some New Year's Resolutions!  :-)

My next discovery is so cool (I think) that although I have only used it for 1 day, I couldn't keep it to myself, but rather than try to describe it, I'm going to let you read what they say on their website:

Reading the Bible and praying is not just for the spiritually elite; it is vital for every believer. You do not need to understand Greek and the sequence of Paul’s missionary journeys for the Holy Spirit to speak through the Word.
We created to provide followers of Christ with a tool to help them focus during their personal worship times.  Each Scripture Examen is a simple-guided experience to help you reflect on the Scripture as the Holy Spirit speaks to you.  Prayer Examens offer guidance to help you stay focused in your prayer life. We also provide a journal for you to keep a history of what God is teaching and doing in your life.
Whether you use or not, make sure the Scripture and prayer are priorities in your life.  These disciplines are the bedrock of following and having the mind of Christ.

I think that pretty much sums it up - so, - check it out with me.

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