Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's a Dog's Life

This past weekend, my brother (Nick) bravely ventured to the cold, dark, dreary November waters of Table Rock Lake in Branson, MO to get his rescue diver certification.  While he was away, Eli and I took care of his Boston Terrier, Boone, who was all too happy to join our boys.

When we first went to sleep, Cooper and Boone looked something like the photo on the left.  Cooper is always by the door (to guard us, of course) and Boone was on his little bed...

However, when we woke up, things looked a little different...

Cooper was doing his very best to fit in Boone's tiny little bed.  (Well, pretty tiny for a German Shepherd!).  I have to admit though, he did a pretty good job!

Meanwhile, Boone had made himself pretty comfortable elsewhere!  Yup, that's our bed he upgraded to.  I only wish I knew what came first:  Boone getting his bed stolen or Eli and I getting our bed stolen!  ;-)

Don't worry, Denver was behaving himself...  (right...)

I knew when I woke up Saturday morning that I was going to have to share these photos.  Just too good to pass up.