The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior by Wayne Cordeiro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Our church board read this book together. Pastor Wayne Cordeiro really demonstrates the importance of reading the Bible for a relationship and for wisdom. It's a good reminder that it's not something to just check off on a to-do list. One of the most practical takeaways for me was just in how to approach devotional time: with my Bible (obviously), a notebook, a pen, a Bible reading plan, AND my planner. The planner is for when my mind starts to wonder to my to-do list, write it down (brain dump) and the move on. This simple tip has so helped me to focus better!
Favorite Excerpts:
"Protecting and cultivating your spiritual root system is not a pill to swallow that automatically will bring you health, wealth, and a perfect family. But it will give you wide-open access to an all-wise, all-powerful God who will personally walk with you step by step. You’ll embark on an adventure that will introduce you to lifelong mentors who may save your health, your marriage, your ministry, and your future."
"I hate to break the bad news to you, but about 80 percent of all you do, anyone can do! For example, going to work, attending meetings, checking e-mail, answering phones, going to soccer games and lunches and dinners. Additionally, about 15 percent of all you do someone with some measure of training could do in your place. Whether it’s selling a product, running a program, teaching a class, or fixing a problem, there is education and training available for someone else to do what you do. But at least 5 percent of what you do, only you can do. No one else can do it for you.
The last 5 percent . . . it’s something we have to discover and then be responsible for. • • Only I can be a husband/wife to my spouse. • • Only I can be a father/mother to my children. • • Only I can grow myself spiritually. • • Only I can keep myself healthy. • • Only I can keep myself disciplined."
"Neglecting devotions will cause you more problems, more quickly, than just about anything you can name. Spending unrushed time alone with God in His Word releases a fountain of refreshment from the very core of your being."
"When you miss your devotions one day, you notice. When you miss them two days, your spouse and kids notice. And when you miss them three days, the world notices."
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