Sunday, April 3, 2011

6 months!!!

It's hard to believe that we've had our little bundle of joy for 1/2 a year already!  My how the time flies!!!

I was looking through photos the other day, and because I have a lot of him with his favorite seahorse... thought this would be a good way to show how much he has grown...

And he's learned so much.  He jabbers, smiles, laughs, rolls over, and gives sloppy wet kisses.  He can *almost* sit up - at least for a few moments before toppling over, and he is going to be a happy boy when he can finally crawl everywhere he wants to go.  He is a champion chow-hound and so far loves everything he's tried (brown rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, apples, avocado, sweet potatoes, and peaches).  He's crazy about his daddy who never fails to elicit some major giggles, and he doesn't mind his furry brothers either.  ;-)

How blessed we are to have him in our lives.  God is so good!

Happy 6 Months, Micah Paul Casey!